Portal. In the setup, I am trying to setup the users with the
delivered roles and set up the approval limit by users. However, the
system seems to be pulling the Approval limit only from the Role. Is
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Hi Christin,
Thanks for using newsgroups.
The approval limit for the user should take precedence when entering a requisition. Your specific circumstances may be dependent on how you have the approval hierarchy setup and this would be something that
would need to be elaborated on further. To assist with this, I provide the following overview:-
If the amount of the req. is greater than the approval limit, the req. can be given approval, but not final approval. So if a purchase request exceeds the approval limit of the next approver in the hierarchy, that approver
can approve the purchase request. The request will move up the tree until it reaches an approver whose limit is greater than the amount of the request, who will be given the option to send the requisition to the final
approver, or grant the req final approval if they have that permission.
A user can be assigned to one or multiple roles in BP. If a user is assigned multiple roles, and each role has its own approval limit for example, if Mary is set up as a Req Approver with an approval limit of $100 and
Manager role with $1000 approval limit and then John submits a req. for $120 to the Req. Approver, Mary could not give the req. final approval. The request will move up the tree until it reaches an approver whose
limit is greater than the amount of the request and who has permission to give final appoval. If John submits the request to the Manager role, Mary could give the req final approval because that role has a $1,000 limit.
If the Bypass Approvers option is marked in Manage Company Setup (Site Settings-Application Settings-Requisitions-Company Setup), then a requisition will be routed to the next approver in the approval hierarchy
whose approval limit is greater than a requisition's amount. For example, If Jim submits a requisition for $990 and his approver is May, but Mary's approval limit is $900, the requisition will be routed to the next
approver whose approval limit is $990 or greater.
Thanks Christin.
Allan Cahill [MSFT]
Support Engineer - Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics Support - Asia Pacific
Microsoft Dynamics (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions)
Any views contained within are my personal views and not necessarily Microsoft policy.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang3081{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs23 Hi Christin,
\par Thanks for using newsgroups.
\par The approval limit for the user should take precedence when entering a requisition. Your specific circumstances may be dependent on how you have the approval hierarchy setup and this would be something that would need to be elaborated on further. To assist with this, I provide the following overview:-
\par If the amount of the req. is greater than the approval limit, the req. can be given approval, but not final approval. So if a purchase request exceeds the approval limit of the next approver in the hierarchy, that approver can approve the purchase request. The request will move up the tree until it reaches an approver whose limit is greater than the amount of the request, who will be given the option to send the requisition to the final approver, or grant the req final approval if they have that permission.
\par A user can be assigned to one or multiple roles in BP. If a user is assigned multiple roles, and each role has its own approval limit for example, if Mary is set up as a Req Approver with an approval limit of $100 and Manager role with $1000 approval limit and then John submits a req. for $120 to the Req. Approver, Mary could not give the req. final approval. The request will move up the tree until it reaches an approver whose limit is greater than the amount of the request and who has permission to give final appoval. If John submits the request to the Manager role, Mary could give the req final approval because that role has a $1,000 limit.
\par If the Bypass Approvers option is marked in Manage Company Setup (Site Settings-Application Settings-Requisitions-Company Setup), then a requisition will be routed to the next approver in the approval hierarchy whose approval limit is greater than a requisition's amount. For example, If Jim submits a requisition for $990 and his approver is May, but Mary's approval limit is $900, the requisition will be routed to the next approver whose approval limit is $990 or greater.
\par Thanks Christin.
\par Allan Cahill [MSFT]
\par Support Engineer - Microsoft Dynamics GP
\par Microsoft Dynamics Support - Asia Pacific
\par Microsoft Dynamics (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions)
\par http://www.microsoft.com/Dynamics
\par http://blogs.msdn.com/DevelopingForDynamicsGP
\par Any views contained within are my personal views and not necessarily Microsoft policy.
\par This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
\par }
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Hi Christin,
In relation to you removing the roles and the approval limit then working for users, if you remain with issues, I suggest you log an incident with support and provide them your heirarchy for testing and further advice. It
may be how the hierarchy is setup and this is something they can work with you further on as the user's limit should take precedence.
In relation to your new issue i.e:-
(a) You copied the Requisition Approver role (called EXAMPLE as an example). You assigned 1 user to this role
(b) You have assigned the user assigned to the EXAMPLE Role to the Hierarchy yet this user cannot approve any of the newly entered PR's
(c) A Requistion Creator enters a PR and let's say that the next user in the hierarchy is the user assigned to the EXAMPLE role. You are experiencing that it is this user who is not able to approve the PR.
An example of your hierarchy may be (users):-
Requisition Administrator
- User1 (Approver)
-- User2 (Creator)
User2 (Creator) enters a PR and submits to User1 (Approver). Via Purchasing Center > Purchase Requests, the PR should be available to approve. The logic seems very simple and should work as you state. The
one thing I was curious about was how the permissons were copied when you created the EXAMPLE role. I went through a quick test on my end and found that when copying the Requistion Approver Role, not all the
permissions were copied. I also tested entering a PR and found the same issue as you reported.
I then researched our internal problem report database and found Collaboration Request 3180. The content Development explains is that what we are experiencing is by design i.e:-
I suggest that they put all approvers in the Req Approver role, but not use that role in the approval hierarchy. Use Custom roles for that. And in that scenario "copy roles" can greatly reduce the amount of work it takes
in creating an approval hierarchy.
So, to answer your question yes, you will need to add the user to the Requistion Approver role yet, you don' have to have that role within the hierarchy.
See how you go Christin as this should now resolve this second issue.
Allan Cahill [MSFT]
Support Engineer - Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics Support - Asia Pacific
Microsoft Dynamics (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions)
Any views contained within are my personal views and not necessarily Microsoft policy.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang3081{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs23 Hi Christin,
\par In relation to you removing the roles and the approval limit then working for users, if you remain with issues, I suggest you log an incident with support and provide them your heirarchy for testing and further advice. It may be how the hierarchy is setup and this is something they can work with you further on as the user's limit should take precedence.
\par In relation to your new issue i.e:-
\par (a) You copied the Requisition Approver role (called EXAMPLE as an example). You assigned 1 user to this role
\par (b) You have assigned the user assigned to the EXAMPLE Role to the Hierarchy yet this user cannot approve any of the newly entered PR's
\par (c) A Requistion Creator enters a PR and let's say that the next user in the hierarchy is the user assigned to the EXAMPLE role. You are experiencing that it is this user who is not able to approve the PR.
\par An example of your hierarchy may be (users):-
\par Requisition Administrator
\par - User1 (Approver)
\par -- User2 (Creator)
\par User2 (Creator) enters a PR and submits to User1 (Approver). Via Purchasing Center > Purchase Requests, the PR should be available to approve. The logic seems very simple and should work as you state. The one thing I was curious about was how the permissons were copied when you created the EXAMPLE role. I went through a quick test on my end and found that when copying the Requistion Approver Role, not all the permissions were copied. I also tested entering a PR and found the same issue as you reported.
\par I then researched our internal problem report database and found Collaboration Request 3180. The content Development explains is that what we are experiencing is by design i.e:-
\par I suggest that they put all approvers in the Req Approver role, but not use that role in the approval hierarchy. Use Custom roles for that. And in that scenario "copy roles" can greatly reduce the amount of work it takes in creating an approval hierarchy.
\par So, to answer your question yes, you will need to add the user to the Requistion Approver role yet, you don' have to have that role within the hierarchy.
\par See how you go Christin as this should now resolve this second issue.
\par Allan Cahill [MSFT]
\par Support Engineer - Microsoft Dynamics GP
\par Microsoft Dynamics Support - Asia Pacific
\par Microsoft Dynamics (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions)
\par http://www.microsoft.com/Dynamics
\par http://blogs.msdn.com/DevelopingForDynamicsGP
\par Any views contained within are my personal views and not necessarily Microsoft policy.
\par This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
\par }
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Hello Christin
Checking in to see if there is anything else we can do for you on this
Please post again at your convenience and we will be here for you.
Have a great week!
Darin Carlsrud
Microsoft Online Support Engineer
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
PLEASE NOTE: The partner managed newsgroups are provided
to assist with break/fix issues and simple how to questions.
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We look forward to hearing from you!
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so that others may learn and benefit from this issue.
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Hello Christin
\par Checking in to see if there is anything else we can do for you on this topic.
\par Please post again at your convenience and we will be here for you.
\par Have a great week!
\par Darin Carlsrud
\par Microsoft Online Support Engineer
\par Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
\par ==============================================
\par PLEASE NOTE: The partner managed newsgroups are provided
\par to assist with break/fix issues and simple how to questions.
\par We also love to hear your product feedback!
\par Let us know what you think by posting
\par from the web interface: Partner Feedback
\par from your newsreader: microsoft.private.directaccess.partnerfeedback.
\par We look forward to hearing from you!
\par =====================================================
\par When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader
\par so that others may learn and benefit from this issue.
\par ======================================================
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\par ======================================================
\par }
quisition. =A0Your specific circumstances may be dependent on how you have =
the approval hierarchy setup and this would be something that
the following overview:-
n be given approval, but not final approval. =A0So if a purchase request ex=
ceeds the approval limit of the next approver in the hierarchy, that approv=
it reaches an approver whose limit is greater than the amount of the reque=
st, who will be given the option to send the requisition to the final
signed multiple roles, and each role has its own approval limit for example=
, if Mary is set up as a Req Approver with an approval limit of $100 and
120 to the Req. Approver, Mary could not give the req. final approval. The =
request will move up the tree until it reaches an approver whose
give final appoval. =A0If John submits the request to the Manager role, Ma=
ry could give the req final approval because that role has a $1,000 limit.
ttings-Application Settings-Requisitions-Company Setup), then a requisition=
will be routed to the next approver in the approval hierarchy
If Jim submits a requisition for $990 and his approver is May, but Mary's =
approval limit is $900, the requisition will be routed to the next
osoft policy.
s. =A0
Thank you for your response. I was able to set up my Hierarchy to use
the limits of the user by removing the roles from the hiearchy. This
doesn't seem correct, but it worked for now.
I understand everything you have written, however, I have an issue. I
created a new role by coping the Requisition Approver role. This role
is to be assigned to one user, and does not appear on the Hierarchy
because I have put the one user on the Hierarchy. However, I am
unable to approve any requisitions at all now as this user. Should
the new role be on the hierarchy apposed to the user?
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Hi there
Anything else we can do for you here on this query?
Please post back at your convenience and we will be here for you.
Thanks again for using the partner newsgroups!
Have a great week!
Darin Carlsrud
Microsoft Online Support Engineer
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
PLEASE NOTE: The partner managed newsgroups are provided
to assist with break/fix issues and simple how to questions.
We also love to hear your product feedback!
Let us know what you think by posting
from the web interface: Partner Feedback
from your newsreader: microsoft.private.directaccess.partnerfeedback.
We look forward to hearing from you!
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader
so that others may learn and benefit from this issue.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Hi there
\par Anything else we can do for you here on this query?
\par Please post back at your convenience and we will be here for you.
\par Thanks again for using the partner newsgroups!
\par Have a great week!
\par Darin Carlsrud
\par Microsoft Online Support Engineer
\par Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
\par ==============================================
\par PLEASE NOTE: The partner managed newsgroups are provided
\par to assist with break/fix issues and simple how to questions.
\par We also love to hear your product feedback!
\par Let us know what you think by posting
\par from the web interface: Partner Feedback
\par from your newsreader: microsoft.private.directaccess.partnerfeedback.
\par We look forward to hearing from you!
\par =====================================================
\par When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader
\par so that others may learn and benefit from this issue.
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\par ======================================================
\par }
Thanks for response. We found a work around for our issue, but will
keep your idea in mind for the future.