FRx had runtime error 339
(too old to reply)
2006-02-06 11:30:27 UTC
Please help

Our Great Plain server has been infected with Funlove virus, and after
cleaning it, FRx had run time error 339 - "Component 'License \.ocx' or one
of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid" So
we are unable to generate financial report

Has anyone encounter similar problem, how to solve it ?

Thanks a lot
Steve Chapman
2006-02-06 16:16:29 UTC
Register the *.DLL or *.OCX file using REGSVR32.EXE or REGSVR.EXE.


Uninstall/reinstall FRx.
Post by leeroy
Please help
Our Great Plain server has been infected with Funlove virus, and after
cleaning it, FRx had run time error 339 - "Component 'License \.ocx' or one
of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid" So
we are unable to generate financial report
Has anyone encounter similar problem, how to solve it ?
Thanks a lot
Steve Chapman
2006-02-06 21:34:01 UTC
When you re-install you will have to possibly change the mapping to the
Sysdata folder to map it to the shared folder. Make a backup of the shared
Sysdata folder before changing the mapping. Assuming you're SQL you would
use the same ODBC connection.
Thanks Steve, for the second option - uninstall & reinstall FRx, would this
affect the overall Great Plain operation - just want to double confirm.
Post by Steve Chapman
Register the *.DLL or *.OCX file using REGSVR32.EXE or REGSVR.EXE.
Uninstall/reinstall FRx.
Post by leeroy
Please help
Our Great Plain server has been infected with Funlove virus, and after
cleaning it, FRx had run time error 339 - "Component 'License \.ocx' or one
of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid" So
we are unable to generate financial report
Has anyone encounter similar problem, how to solve it ?
Thanks a lot
2006-02-06 21:34:56 UTC
Thanks Steve, for the second option - uninstall & reinstall FRx, would this
affect the overall Great Plain operation - just want to double confirm.
Post by Steve Chapman
Register the *.DLL or *.OCX file using REGSVR32.EXE or REGSVR.EXE.
Uninstall/reinstall FRx.
Post by leeroy
Please help
Our Great Plain server has been infected with Funlove virus, and after
cleaning it, FRx had run time error 339 - "Component 'License \.ocx' or one
of its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid" So
we are unable to generate financial report
Has anyone encounter similar problem, how to solve it ?
Thanks a lot