2008-01-14 13:14:04 UTC
I get this error when applying RM payment (Cash Receipt) to a debit memo,
when checking the sql tables I find that the apply is done correctly, but
still I have this error.
can any one help, please see the error below:
Message "Error Number = 574
Stored Procedure taRMApply
Error Description = Apply Amount (APPTOAMT) + Discount Taken Amount
(DISTKNAM) + Write Off
(WROFAMNT) is > then the amount remaining on the invoice\r\n
Error Number = 663 Stored Procedure taRMApply
Error Description =
Apply To Amount (APPTOAMT) is > than the payment/return
amount\r\nError Number = 664
Stored Procedure taRMApply Error Description =
Apply To Amount (APPTOAMT) is > than the amount remaining on the
payment/return\r\n" string
I get this error when applying RM payment (Cash Receipt) to a debit memo,
when checking the sql tables I find that the apply is done correctly, but
still I have this error.
can any one help, please see the error below:
Message "Error Number = 574
Stored Procedure taRMApply
Error Description = Apply Amount (APPTOAMT) + Discount Taken Amount
(DISTKNAM) + Write Off
(WROFAMNT) is > then the amount remaining on the invoice\r\n
Error Number = 663 Stored Procedure taRMApply
Error Description =
Apply To Amount (APPTOAMT) is > than the payment/return
amount\r\nError Number = 664
Stored Procedure taRMApply Error Description =
Apply To Amount (APPTOAMT) is > than the amount remaining on the
payment/return\r\n" string