script error running reports from home pages, why??
(too old to reply)
2011-11-14 17:53:23 UTC
I'm not a GP user/expert, we recently installed GP2010.

Since then one user has said, "When I try to run reports from the home
pages, I am getting this script error and cannot run any reports."

The error is:

Line 47

Char 5

Error The system cannot find the file specified

Code 0

URL: file:///C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Temp/tmp/AE8.tmp

I have received differing responses to this issue:

1) enable the Run command on the Start menu of our XenApp server for
the regular domain users, which I view as a big security risk

2) "the UserData folder does not exist in the %appdata%\Microsoft
\Internet Explorer\ folder therefore it must be created in that

Neither answer makes any sense to me, can anyone shed light upon this
for me??

Only other suggestion I've had is to try installing Office 2003 Web
Components on the server -- this is already installed on the XenApp
servers running the GP2010 client from which the end user is trying to
do reports etc.

Thank you, Tom
2011-11-15 21:10:05 UTC
Fix was to do this:
Add a UserData folder to the %appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
folder, this idea originally did not work until it was recalled that
AppData is redirected, upon finding the correct %appdata% folder and
adding UserData to it, things worked properly.
Thank you, Tom
